Saturday, January 11, 2020

Cyber crimes against Government: 

The growth of Internet has shown that the medium of cyberspace is being used by individuals and groups to threaten the governments as also to terrorize the citizens of a country. This crime manifests itself into terrorism when an individual hacks into a government or military maintained website. There are certain offences done by a group of persons intending to threaten the international governments by using internet facilities. 
They include:

Cyber Terrorism: Cyber terrorism is a major burning issue in the domestic as well as global arenas. The common form of these terrorist attacks on the internet is by distributed denial of service attacks, hate websites and hate e-mails, attacks on sensitive computer networks etc. Cyber terrorism activities endanger the sovereignty and integrity of the nation.

Cyber warfare: Cyber warfare is politically motivated hacking of conducting sabotage and espionage. It is a form of information warfare and sometimes it is analogous to conventional warfare.

Distribution of pirated software: It involves the distribution of pirated software from one computer to another intending to destroy the data and official records of the government.

Possession of Unauthorized Information: Terrorists easily access in the information with the help of internet and possess information of political, religious, social, and ideological objectives.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Crime against Person Property

Online trading is done using computers to create , transmit and to store information in the electronic form instead of traditional proper documents.With the increase of online trading perpetration of several crimes that affect person's property also increased enormously.
The crimes which affect the individual's property include :

Intellectual Property Crimes : Intellectual property consists of a bundle of rights.An unlawful act which deprives the rights of owner either completely or partially is an offence.The offences which violate the IPR of an individual includes software piracy, infringement of copyright , trademark, patents , designs and services marl violation. theft of computer source code, etc.

Cyber Squatting : It is also known as domain squatting, it is registering, trafficking in , or using a domain name with bad intent to profit from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else. The cyber squatter offers to sell the domain to the person or company who own a trademark contained within the name at an inflated price.
For example two similar names i.e. and

Cyber Vandalism : Vandalism is intentionally destroying or damaging property of another.Thus Cyber vandalism means destroying or damaging the data when a network service is stopped or disrupted.It may include within its purview any kind of physical harm done to the computer of any person.These act may take the form of the theft of a computer, some part of a computer or a peripheral attached to the computer.

Hacking Computer System : Hacking is unauthorized access/ control over the computer.Hacking causes loss to data as well as computer.Hacking does not always intent for financial gain or to diminish the reputation of particular person or company.

Transmitting Virus : Viruses are programs that attach themselves to a computer or a file and then circulate themselves to other files and to other computers on a network.They usually affect the data on a computer, either by altering or deleting it. Worm attacks play major role is affecting the computer system of the individuals.

Cyber Trespass : It means to access someone's computer without the right authorization of the owner and does not disturb, alter, misuse, or damage data or system by using wireless internet connection.

Internet Time Thefts : Basically, Internet time theft comes under hacking. It is the use by an unauthorized person, of the Internet hours paid for by anther person.The person who gets access to someone else's ISP user ID and password, either by hacking or by gaining access to it by illegal means, uses it to access the internet without the other person's knowledge. You can identify time theft if your Internet time has to be recharged often,despite infrequent usage.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Cyber Crime Against Person

The Offences against persons include :

Do you know what are the offence against a person ?? Below is in detail about Offence against a person.

  • Harassment via E-mail  : 
          Harassment through sending letters, attachments of files and folders through e-mails. Harassment through social networking sites such as Facebook,Twitter , Instagram and other network are increasing day by day.
  • Cyber-Stalking : 
It causes physical threat through the use of internet, e-mail,phones,text messages, webcam ,websites or videos.
  • Dissemination of Obscene Material : 
It includes hosting of websites containing prohibited materials of Indecent exposure/Pornography.These obscene materials cause harm to the mind of the adolescent  and tend to deprave morals.
  • Defamation :
It is the act of imputing a person with intent to lower his dignity by hacking his mail account and sending mails using vulgar language to unknown persons mail account.
  • Hacking : 
Hacking is unauthorized control/access over computer system. It completely destroys the whole data as well as computer programmers. Hackers usually hack telecommunication and mobile network.
  • Cracking :
It is one of the gravest cyber crimes. This involves breaking into the others computer system without knowledge and consent of the account holder and tamper with precious confidential data and information.
  • E-mail Spoofing : 
E-mail Spoofing is an act where the spoofed e-mail misrepresents its origin and shows its origin to be different from which it actually originates.
  • SMS Spoofing : 
In this spoofing the offender steals the identity of another in the form of mobile phone number and send SMS via internet and receiver gets the SMS from the mobile phone number of the victim.It is very serious cyber crime against any individual.
  • Carding: 
In carding, the criminal uses the false Debit and Credit cards of their monetary benefits and withdraws money from the victim's bank account. There is always unauthorized use of ATM card in this type of cyber crimes.
  • Cheating & Fraud : 
The offender steals the password and stores data with guilty mind.
  • Assault by Threat : 
Refers to threatening a person with fear for their live or lives of their families through  the use of a computer network i.e. E-mail, videos or phones.
  • Spamming : 
Spamming is sending of mass copies of unsolicited mails.There are mainly two methods used when spamming : newsgroup postings and email messaging, Known as spam.An example of spamming would be sending out mass email such as a chain letter or pyramid schemes to people who never requested it.Another example of spamming is posting multiple "get rich quick" schemes to newsgroups.

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